Student Blog: Testing Bipartiteness with Monad Transformers
Posted on July 26, 2019 by Vasily Alferov (permalink)
I am a student at Summer of Haskell this year and this is my second post on this platform. In my previous post I gave a brief explanation of my task. Now that I finished the “routine” part of adding the necessary data types and manipulation functions, I’m here to tell you about my implementation of the algorithm for testing bipartiteness of graphs.
A graph is called bipartite if its vertices can be split into two parts in such way that there are no edges inside one part. While testing graph on tripartiteness is NP-hard, there is a linear algorithm that tests graph on bipartiteness and restores the partition.
Vertex On Your Side
The algorithm is usually one of the first graph algorithms given in any university course. The idea is rather straightforward: we try to assign vertices to the left or right part in some way, and when we get a conflict, we claim that the graph is not bipartite.
First, we assign some vertex to the left part. Then, we can confidently say that all neighbours of this vertex should be assigned to the right part. Then, all neighbours of this vertex should be assigned to the left part, and so on. We continue this until all the vertices in the connected component are assigned to some part, then we repeat the same action on the next connected component, and so on.
If there is an edge between vertices in the same part, one can easily find an odd cycle in the graph, hence the graph is not bipartite. Otherwise, we have the partition, hence the graph is bipartite.
There are two common ways of implementing this algorithm in linear time: using Depth-First Search or Breadth-First Search. We usually select DFS for this algorithm in imperative languages. The reason is that DFS implementation is a little bit simpler. I selected DFS, too, as a traditional way.
So, now we came to the following scheme. We go through the vertices in DFS order and assign them to parts, flipping the part when going through an edge. If we try to assign some vertex to some part and see that it is already assigned to another part, then we claim that the graph is not bipartite. When all vertices are assigned to parts and we’ve looked through all edges, we have the partition.
The Purity Turned Upside Down
In Haskell, all computations are supposed to be pure. Still, if it was really so, we wouldn’t be able to print anything to the console. And what I find most funny about pure computations is that they are so lazy that there is no pure reason to compute anything.
Monads are the Haskell way to express computations with effects. I’m not going to give a complete explanation of how they work here, but I find this one very nice and clear.
What I do want to notice there is that while some monads, like IO
, are
implemented through some deep magic, others have simple and pure
implementations. So the entire computation in these monads is pure.
There are many monads that express all kinds of effects. It is a very beautiful and powerful theory: they all implement the same interface. We will talk about the three following monads:
Either e a
— a computation that returns value of typea
or throws an error of typee
. The behaviour is very much like exceptions in imperative languages and the errors may be caught. The main difference is that this monad is fully logically implemented in the standard library, while in imperative languages it is usually implemented by the operating system or virtual machine.State s a
— a computation that returns value of typea
and has an access to a modifiable state of types
.Maybe a
. AMonad
instance forMaybe
expresses a computation that can be at any moment interrupted with returningNothing
. But we will mostly speak ofMonadPlus
instance, which expresses a vice versa effect: this is a computation which can be at any moment interrupted with returning a concrete value.
The Monad Where It Happens
We have two data types, Graph a
and Bigraph a b
, first of them representing
graphs with vertex labels of type a
and second representing bipartite graphs
with left part labels of type a
and right part labels of type b
A Word of Warning: These are not Alga data types. Alga representation for bipartite graphs is not yet released and there is no representation for undirected graphs.
We also assume that we have the following functions.
-- List of neighbours of a given vertex.
neighbours :: Ord a => a -> AM.AdjacencyMap a -> [a]
-- Convert a graph with vertices labelled with their parts to a bipartite
-- graph, ignoring the edges within one part.
toBipartiteWith :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => (a -> Either b c)
-> Graph a
-> Bigraph b c
-- List of vertices
vertexList :: Ord a => AM.AdjacencyMap a -> [a]
Now we write the definition for the function we are going to implement.
type OddCycle a = [a]
detectParts :: Ord a => Graph a -> Either (OddCycle a) (Bigraph a a)
It can be easily seen that the odd cycle is at the top of the recursion stack in case we failed to find the partition. So, in order to restore it, we only need to cut everything from the recursion stack before the first occurrence of the last vertex.
We will implement a Depth-First Search, while maintaining a map of part
identifiers for each vertex. The recursion stack for the vertex in which we
failed to find the partition will be automatically restored with the Functor
instance for the monad we choose: we only need to put all vertices from the
path into the result on our way back from the recursion.
The first idea is to use the Either
monad, that fits perfectly well to our
goals. The first implementation I had was something very close to that. In
fact, I had five different implementations at some point to choose the best,
and I finally stopped at another option.
First, we need to maintain a map of effects — this is something about
. Then, we need to stop when we found a conflict. This could be either
instance for Either
or MonadPlus
instance for Maybe
. The main
difference is that Either
has a value to be returned in case of success
while MonadPlus
instance for Maybe
only returns a value in case we failed
to find the partition. As we don’t need a value because it’s already stored in
, we choose Maybe
. Now, we need to combine two monadic effects, so we
need monad transformers,
which are a way to combine several monadic effects.
Why had I chosen such complicated type? There are two reasons. The first is
that the implementation becomes very similar to one we have in imperative
languages. The second is that I needed to manipulate the value returned in case
of conflict to restore the odd cycle, and this becomes much simpler in Maybe
So, here we go now.
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
data Part = LeftPart | RightPart
otherPart :: Part -> Part
LeftPart = RightPart
otherPart RightPart = LeftPart
type PartMap a = Map.Map a Part
type OddCycle a = [a]
toEither :: Ord a => PartMap a -> a -> Either a a
= case fromJust (v `Map.lookup` m) of
toEither m v LeftPart -> Left v
RightPart -> Right v
type PartMonad a = MaybeT (State (PartMap a)) [a]
detectParts :: forall a. Ord a => Graph a -> Either (OddCycle a) (Bigraph a a)
= case runState (runMaybeT dfs) Map.empty of
detectParts g Just c, _) -> Left $ oddCycle c
(Nothing, m) -> Right $ toBipartiteWith (toEither m) g
inVertex :: Part -> a -> PartMonad a
= ((:) v) <$> do modify $ Map.insert v p
inVertex p v let q = otherPart p
| u <- neigbours v g ]
msum [ onEdge q u
{-# INLINE onEdge #-}
onEdge :: Part -> a -> PartMonad a
= do m <- get
onEdge p v case v `Map.lookup` m of
Nothing -> inVertex p v
Just q -> do guard (q /= p)
return [v]
processVertex :: a -> PartMonad a
= do m <- get
processVertex v `Map.notMember` m)
guard (v LeftPart v
dfs :: PartMonad a
= msum [ processVertex v | v <- vertexList g ]
oddCycle :: [a] -> [a]
= tail (dropWhile ((/=) last c) c) oddCycle c
I’ll try to explain each of the first four scoped functions: this is the core of the algorithm.
is the part of DFS that happens when we visit the vertex for the first time. Here, we assign the vertex to the part and launchonEdge
for every incident edge. And that’s the place where we hope to restore the call stack: if aJust
is returned from sum edge, we addv
to the beginning.onEdge
is the part that happens when we visit any edge. It happens twice for each edge. Here we check if the vertex on the other side is visited. If not, we visit it. Else we check whether we found an odd cycle. If we did, we simple return the current vertex as a singleton. The other vertices from the path are added at the way back from the recursion.processVertex
checks if the vertex is visited and runs DFS on it if not.dfs
on all vertices.
That’s it.
The Story of INLINE
When I first wrote the above code, action
was not explicitly inlined. Then,
when I was benchmarking different versions of detectParts
to select the best,
I noticed that on some graphs this version with transformers had a serious
overhead over the version with Either
. I had no idea of what was going on,
because semantically two functions were supposed to perform the same operations.
And it became even weirder when I ran it on another machine with another
version of GHC and didn’t notice any overhead there.
After a weekend of reading GHC Core code, I managed to fix this with one
explicit inline. At some point between GHC 8.4.4 and GHC 8.6.5 they changed the
optimizer in some way that it didn’t inline action
This is just a crazy thing about programming I didn’t expect to come through with Haskell. Still, it seems that the optimizers make mistakes even in our time and it is our job to give them hints of what should be done. For example, here we knew that the function should be inlined as it is in the imperative version, and that’s a reason to give GHC a hint.
What Comes Next?
When this patch is merged, I’m going to start implementing Hopcroft-Karp algorithm. I think the BFS part is going to be rather interesting, so the next blog post will come in a couple of weeks.
Older posts
- December 8, 2024 - Summer of Haskell 2024 Results
- January 20, 2024 - Summer of Haskell 2023 Results
- May 14, 2023 - Summer of Haskell 2023 Project Selections
- February 1, 2022 - Google Summer of Code in 2022
- September 23, 2021 - GSoC results for 2021
- October 12, 2020 - GSoC results for 2020
- January 12, 2020 - Call for Ideas for 2020
- January 10, 2020 - GSoC results for 2019
- August 26, 2019 - Student Blog: Results for Bipartite Graphs Project
- July 26, 2019 - Student Blog: Testing Bipartiteness with Monad Transformers
- May 29, 2019 - Student Blog: Introducing Bipartite Graphs in Alga
- February 26, 2019 - Haskell.Org Participating in GSoC 2019
- December 28, 2018 - Call for Ideas for 2019
- September 1, 2018 - GSoC results for 2018
- April 23, 2018 - Accepted projects for 2018
- March 14, 2018 - Student Applications are now open
- December 25, 2017 - Call for Ideas for 2018
- September 15, 2017 - Final results for 2017
- August 4, 2017 - Midterm update for 2017
- May 24, 2017 - Accepted projects for 2017
- April 25, 2017 - Student Applications are now open
- April 5, 2017 - Getting ready for Summer of Haskell 2017
- February 28, 2017 - Summer of Haskell 2017 Announcement
- December 8, 2016 - Summer of Haskell 2016 Wrap-Up
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