Summer of Haskell

Getting ready for Summer of Haskell 2017

Posted on April 5, 2017 by Niki Vazou & Jasper Van der Jeugt (permalink)

We are happy to announce that Summer of Haskell 2017 will host at least 8 students, funded from the Haskell community and corporate sponsors.

You can find all information (including the timeline) at the Summer of Haskell new webpage:

Students can submit applications from April 25th until the May 6th. We recommend that interested students start thinking about their proposals and brainstorm with potential mentors. In case you would like to participate as a student but you have no idea what to work on, we have a page dedicated to ideas here:

Teachers of FP courses at universities around the world are strongly encouraged to share this announcement with their students.

Mentors, as well as everyone from the community, is encouraged to contribute ideas by sending pull requests to the Summer of Haskell repository (or contacting us):

Sponsors are still welcome, as we can add more slots if the necessary funds become available. Combining our current individual donations with partial sponsors, we only need $2000 more to fund an additional student. Please consider making a small donation towards that goal. If you would like to contribute do not hesitate to contact us or donate directly:

We’d like to thank our current sponsors for making this Summer of Haskell possible:

Feel free to contact us at (nvazou at and m at if want to help or if you have any ideas, questions, or concerns.

Best, Niki Vazou & Jasper Van der Jeugt for the Committee

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