Summer of Haskell

Summer of Haskell 2017 Announcement

Posted on February 28, 2017 by Niki Vazou & Jasper Van der Jeugt (permalink)

Dear Haskellers,

We are sorry to announce that this year was not accepted for the 2017 Google Summer of Code. But, as last year, we plan to organize our own Summer of Haskell!

We ask for your help to plan a successful Summer of Haskell 2017. As last year, one student will be funded directly out of general funds. The key factor in how many further students we can fund is the generosity and support of donors. Funding a single student plus overhead costs 6000 USD. We are looking for donors willing to cover half, one or more students. If you (or your organization) are interested in becoming a Summer of Haskell donor please reach out to committee at We also encourage you to make a smaller donation, as if we receive enough of small donations in total, we will combine them to fund more students.

Donation information is at:

More information will be forthcoming as we work out the details.

Feel free to contact us at (nvazou at and m at if want to help or if you have any ideas, questions, or concerns.


Niki Vazou & Jasper Van der Jeugt
for the Committee

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